Motor Third-Party Liability Insurance

Get If compulsory motor insurance conveniently online – only here do new contracts come with a 5% reduced rate from the regular price!

  • FREE towing service in case of an accident
  • Insurance possibility starting from 1 day
  • Convenient to buy and report the claim
Did the accident happen? Report a claim

Why to choose If MTPL for your car?

  • You can also pay for the insurance in installments

    If necessary, you can also pay for the annual traffic insurance policy in installments, for example with semi-annual, quarterly or monthly payments.

  • You can get your MTPL also for 1 day

    If you only need insurance for a short time, you can make a contract quickly and conveniently in the e-office and after payment you can start driving immediately.

  • Free towing service in case of traffic accident

    The service applies to a car or van with a motor insurance policy and to a motorcycle and moped within the EU. Ordering the towing service is conveniently available 24/7 via the Insurance phone number 777 1211.

What Is Compulsory Motor Third Party Liability Insurance?

MTPL insurance is a compulsory car and vehicle insurance in Estonia, which indemnifies for damages caused to other persons or their property by your vehicle. The insurance is valid on roads, parking lots, yards, and elsewhere used for normal traffic.

Compulsory motor third party liability insurance covers damage to other people or their property caused by your car or other vehicle
MTPL insurance is your responsibility. If necessary, you can get MTPL insurance for your car or other vehicle for one day

Almost 30,000 traffic accidents occur in Estonia every year, the damages of which are compensated by MTPL insurance. Statistics show that every 10th vehicle is involved in such an accident

Motor Insurance FAQ

How to make sure the validity of motor third party liability insurance? How to get insurance for one day. All about the green card and insurance policy and more.