Why insure your home?

Home, sweet home – how nice it is to be there. No matter if you live in an apartment, a house, or if you’re a tenant or owner, your mind will be at ease if your property is insured. Home insurance is like a financial safety net, helping when something unexpected happens to your home.

Accidents can come in all shapes and sizes – from small mishaps like water leaks to major damage caused by fire. These unexpected events can be challenging, both emotionally and financially. That’s why we’re here to explain how insurance can support you in these situations and help you navigate through tough times more easily.  

In front of their home, a man and a woman giving a flight to their child, holding her hands.

A burst pipe? Insurance has got you covered!

Did you know that the most frequent insurance claims are related to burst pipes causing leaks in homes? This is the case for both apartments and houses. Such incidents can damage floors, doors, furniture, and appliances, often leading to significant costs for repairs or replacements.

Water leaks can happen at any time, like when your washing machine’s water hose suddenly bursts. Imagine this: you’re busy working in your home office, not noticing anything unusual, and when you're done, you discover the bathroom and hallway are flooded. The floors are damaged, cabinets ruined, and other items affected. In situations like these, home insurance can help cover the repair costs.

Good to know: if water damage occurs in your upstairs neighbor's apartment and as a result your home is damaged, under the All-Risk Package we will cover your losses without a deductible.

Peace of mind at home and beyond – don’t forget to insure your belongings!

The girl is playing the piano in the living room under the window.

When choosing home insurance, don’t forget to include home contents in it. This will ensure that your furniture, household appliances, clothing, electronics, and hobby items in your home are protected from unexpected events. This also covers items located on the property or on the balcony/terrace – such as garden furniture, trampolines, grills, and other objects not meant for indoor storage. Insurance will come in handy, for example, if a thief breaks into your securely locked garden shed and steals your lawnmower. With the All-Risk Package, assistance is even more effective because it also covers damages caused by internal electrical or mechanical failures of household appliances.

Did you know that contents insurance also covers items meant for use outside your home or apartment and the territory it is located on? This applies as long as the items are under continuous physical supervision, kept in locked spaces, or secured with special safety locks. For example, contents insurance can help if someone steals your bicycle that you left locked at a mall bike rack.

Important: Remember, you are responsible for your belongings. Make sure the spaces where you store your belongings are always securely locked.

Home assistance and replacement – so you can keep going with your daily routine

Have you ever accidentally locked yourself out of your home, forgetting the keys inside? We get it – these things happen. That’s why If Home insurance includes assistance in emergency situations. This also covers locksmith services, so you don’t have to stay locked out.

24/7 home assistance is also useful in case of water damage – a technician will help you stop the water leak. After that, the claims handling will take care of the resulting damage. Additionally, home assistance includes support if, for example, someone breaks into your apartment. If the door can’t be securely closed to keep unwanted people out, we’ll cover the cost of security services.

Sometimes, accidents can damage your home so much that living there becomes impossible, and repairs may take months. This might also mean you won’t be able to stay in your home for a while. A suitable insurance policy includes temporary accommodation during repairs, so you can keep going with your daily routine while your home is made livable again.

Natural disasters – more and more common

Heavy rain is falling on the roof and flowing down the eaves. If's home insurance is now more waterproof, find out, how.

It’s no secret that in recent years, we’ve been facing more and more challenges caused by nature. Storms, floods, and heavy hail have become more common guests even here in Estonia. Unfortunately, we can’t prevent these natural forces, but we can be prepared for them.

We hope that natural disasters won’t affect your home. However, if they do, home insurance will help cover the damage caused. As heavy rains and floods are causing increasing concern for homeowners, we have made our home insurance more waterproof. Thus, damages caused by flooding and rainwater ingress into the building are covered in all three of our home insurance packages. We compensate for damages to the interior finishes of the building and household property – and the number of claims is not limited. In the All-Risk and Classic packages, the compensation limits are unlimited up to the sum insured, while in the Standard package, we compensate for one damage up to €10,000.

Thus, if for example, a tree falls on your roof during a strong storm or sudden flooding causes damages to your home and property, we’ll be there to help with the financial costs of fixing the damage.

If you hear in the news that a storm is approaching, we encourage you to follow the warnings and instructions from the Estonian Weather Cervice on what safety measures to take. We’ve also prepared useful tips on how to prepare yourself and your property for the storm: How to prepare for a storm

Home insurance – support in unforeseen situations

Life is full of unexpected events that can affect our beloved home and, of course, ourselves. When something unexpected happens to your property, what you want is for everything to get back to normal as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is good to know that in 2024, we paid insurance compensation or restored homes within 7 days in more than half of the cases reported to us. When a home is insured, insurance provides the necessary support to cope with the situation at the most critical moments.

You are welcome to insure the apartment, house, summer home, as well as buildings under construction. Learn more about our home insurance options.

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